Tuesday, 11 October 2011

MUSIC & LIFE by Ame...


I was watching a show the other day, where a young man was invited on stage to perform a number. After singing for a while, half of the crowd was on their feet, while the other half were gazing with tears in their eyes, sitting and watching that performance I was much more than amazed.
Considering his small stature, on a very good day if that same young man had mounted that stage and asked them all to be on their feet or to break into tears, he would have probably been thought to be insane. But there he was with not just an angelic voice, but also with words that were able to make even grown men cry, I even had a tear in my eye. Then I thought to myself "the power of music" which was what inspired this article. More often than I remember, I've been spun around from my angry, worked up, tired mood into a cheerful, energetic mood in minutes from listening to music. Music has always had its way around people's moods, in time past and now.
When the young man was done with his number, he was simply told that "he could sing a war to its end". Ironically, his voice really did bring a war to its end; I walked into a discussion which had the singing angel on earth as its topic. I was so carried away by the discussion that I didn't realize that amidst us were two people who to say the least were sworn enemies, apparently they had seen the show together and so were brought to harmony by his voice. He had truly sung a war to an end. 

              Cast your mind on that feeling you get sometimes when that song you love starts playing unexpectedly at a time you need it most. It’s like everything around you stops and...

read the rest of the story on 


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